Thursday, December 6, 2012

February 2007 posts

February 18
I thought I would add some new photos. I don't have time to add all the ones I'd like today, but these are from when I was recruiting and travelling all over the province a couple of years back. Some of these pictures are gorgeous, and I want people to see what a beautiful province we live in :o)
February 12
If you talk to me on msn, you know that I often pop up messages saying "hello?" because I'm wondering if you're there. You're probably now wondering if I'm there now. I've been so insanely busy the last little while, I have hardly the ability to share it all--and really, most of it is not interesting to most of you, so there's no sense in going into too many details. I'm sure I've bored you enough already.
I spent a lot of my week working, which is just a one-month, full-time job at my mom's office to help them out with some backlogged work there. This is great because it'll see me through until March, when hopefully more hours will start adding up with my job as a research assistant in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the university. Much of my free time in the week was spent out with one of my friends, as I have been working with him on some stuff for school. He is starting a master's program, and I get to share with all my "wisdom" that I gleaned from being a grad student. Hurrah! But it does help, though, I guess. I learned a lot of tips from my friends doing PhDs when I started my master's program, and there was a lot of good advice to be found. I also found another job last week, another part-time job, in which you will find me working as a Mental Health Therapist in the children's psych ward of the Glenrose Hospital here in town. Hopefully I won't have to black out this info in the future due to potential legal implications!
I also went to the opera last week to see the Barber of Seville. I must say that it was the most brilliant opera I've seen in my whole life. OK, so I haven't seen that many, but I've probably seen about 10 or 15 in my lifetime, and this was the best one so far. The director added just excellent twists of pop culture into the performance to make it more entertaining and relevant to the audience. The man that played the Barber was also just an excellent actor and singer. He did the character so well that I wished it were his personality in real life!
So it was a hectic but enjoyable week, but I am so exhausted now that it will probably take me a couple of days to catch up on sleep. Early nights it is for me right now!
In the meantime, I must comment on something horrible I heard 2 Fridays ago. Any of you Canadians out there, have you ever heard of any jokes about dead babies? I joined this Spanish conversation club on campus, and we were talking about typical humour in our countries, and this Canadian girl said that she thought Canadian humour was the most vulgar in the world because most of the jokes are about dead babies! I'm not joking, kids. When it was my turn to speak, I pronounced it a shameful thing that there are any such jokes and that I had never heard any my whole life. I didn't want people to think she was representing our country. I'm polling people now to see if they have ever heard these jokes. I am notorious for being ignorant to most of the current jokes and slang and idioms, so maybe I'm just missing something here--other than my marbles for thinking these jokes are so abhorrent. Only one Canadian out of about 10 I have polled so far had ever heard one, but she didn't think they were prevalent in any way. Mmm...does anyone NOT find this disturbing?
9:14 PM | Read comments (1) | Permalink

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