September 27
from Lynn Truss, who wrote one of my favourite books about punctuation, I've
learned recently that I have another kindred spirit. I don't know this girl
personally, but I read about her on some Internet page the other day, so I
thought I would post her blog here. I'm thinking I should start a site like
this myself, but for another punctuation error that really bugs me. I'll have
to think about it :o)
8:28 PM | Read comments (1) | Permalink | English Language
September 21
can't believe how time passes. It has been about 2 weeks since my last entry.
Crazy! Well, I've just been darn busy. I've had a couple of shifts at the
hospital and then I got a new part-time job as well, so I've been quite busy
between the 3 jobs. I barely have time to write emails to people, and then I've
also finally given in to Facebook, so that's been taking up some of my time. I
was hoping to hold out, but once I found out there were announcements about
salsa parties exclusively on Facebook, I couldn't resist. What can I say? I'm a
I have
to say that my life really revolves around work, though. It's almost all I do
and think about. It's very bad, but it's what you have to do sometimes. And I'm
saving up to buy a place next year and have to work a lot to save up money for
this. It isn't easy to qualify for a mortgage anymore. Such is life! Makes me
want to move back to Mexico, but I wouldn't be doing well there anymore either
because the loonie is now so high. I use to make about 1/3 more in Canadian
funds when I converted it from US, which was great while I was down there. It
wouldn't get me as far now. How things change.
that's all for now. It's not exciting, but neither is my life. By the way, is
anyone really sick of hearing about Britney news? And what about this OJ guy?
They might as well have shown the footage of white Jeep driving down the road
the day they arrested him. Was that really breaking news for CNN? Well, the
quality of CNN is a whole 'nother discussion, but really people. Who cares!
4:53 PM | Permalink
September 07
was one of those typical strange weather days in Edmonton. We had cloud and
then sun, rain and then just cloud, back to more sun and cloud and rain and
sun. There was a partial rainbow in the northwestern sky in the morning and
then another partial one in the southwestern sky in the evening, which was even
brighter than the morning one. By the time night fell, the whole sky had
cleared up, revealing some beautiful sparkling stars on the chilly fall night, and
one look north, and the first Northern Lights I've seen all year were dancing
up in the sky. Either they weren't too active that night, or I just caught the
tail end of them, because I didn't see them for long, but there they were. It
was such a strange day with all the variation in activity, but each had its own
beauty. Did anyone else notice all these things yesterday?
6:05 PM | Read comments (1) | Permalink
September 03
I am
normally not faint of heart, but on occasion I get creeped out by some bugs.
For example, when I was painting the fence back in July, I had to clear away a
number of spider webs. This wasn't really problematic until one day, when I was
clearing one, I thought there was a bunch of pollen seeds caught in it, and
when I touched it, hundreds of tiny baby spiders suddenly awoke and were moving
about. Then I screamed. It was so gross. The tiny ones are spooky because they
just crawl all over, and there were some on my legs and arms. I was most afraid
they'd get caught in my hair, which is a recurring nightmare I have that bugs
will get caught in my thick hair. Yuck! I had the heebiejeebies for a few days
after that. Anyways, the bigger ones are cool, however. This Jewel Spider
appeared in my back yard, and I just noticed it yesterday. Looks like he has
lots of food to keep him going for a while, too! If you want to read about
Jewel Spiders in more detail, you can check out the Royal Alberta Museum's little quip about them. It lets you know
they're not poisonous and that you're not going to die if you get bitten :o)
That would always be my fear. Of course, I know we don't have lethal spiders in
Alberta, so I wasn't really worried about that, but you never know. I wasn't
aware we had spiders that were actually this large in Alberta, though.
Apparently they are native to here, not brought over accidentally on some crate
of imported stuff. I'm glad my photos were able to capture the hairs on it,
though. That's super cool.
much else is new at the moment. I've just been working as usual, taking extra
hours in on the weekend, and now that the hospital has called me for shifts
again, I'll probably be working on Sunday evenings in addition to my full time
job and trying to put in extra hours over my lunch hour and what not. What can
you do when you need the money?
12:53 PM | Read comments (1) | Permalink
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